Ultimate Guide: How to Create a Converting Pricing Table on Pricefy

Dec 17, 2024

Pricefy Pricing table for Stripe

Table of contents: 

  • How to Create Subscription Products/Price Plans on Stripe

  • How to Connect Stripe Products with Pricefy

  • How to Create a Pricing Table

Have you ever had long discussions with your team about the pricing page for your SaaS business that can help you get more sales?

You've come to the right place to save time and create a pricing table that converts your audience! This comprehensive guide will navigate the basic steps of creating a converting pricing table with Pricefy. This tool will help you transform general Stripe pricing table into a high-converting one in just a few minutes.

Let's explore how to create products and price plans on Stripe, connect them with Pricefy, and design a pricing table that stands out in the market competition.

How to Create Subscription Products/Price Plans on Stripe

Stripe is considered one of the top payment providers for SaaS businesses. Its user-friendly interface and powerful features help businesses process payments seamlessly. By setting up a solid foundation in Stripe, you can ensure that your payment processing is secure, reliable, and fast. 

This, in turn, will allow you to focus on creating an irresistible pricing table with Pricefy. Here is how to do that: 

  1. Create an account or sign in to your Stripe account.

  2. Navigate to the Product catalogue (More + > Product catalog).

    stripe product catalog

  3. Click "+ Add product" in the upper right corner to create a new product (In this case, "product" is a Price plan).

    stripe product pricefy

  4. Fill in the product name and add the monthly recurring price.

    pricefy stripe monthly plan

  5. Open a newly created product and create a yearly price plan (button "+ Add another price").

    stripe pricefy payment plan

  6. Add your annual subscription plan price and change the billing period to yearly. 

    pricefy stripe yearly payment

  7. Open your monthly price plan and connect it to a yearly plan (scroll down to the section "Upsells" and select your annual price plan).

pricefy stripe upsell

How to Connect Stripe Products with Pricefy

Now that your products and pricing plans are configured in Stripe, the next crucial step is to integrate them with Pricefy seamlessly. This will enable Pricefy to get the product information from Stripe and streamline the pricing table creation process. 

We use only your Stripe public key to display products and prices. Pricefy does not modify your Stripe account, and we cannot access your payment details. Your sensitive information remains confidential and secure throughout your experience with our platform.

  1. Go to the ""Developers" section on the right upper corner.

    Stripe developers

  2. Select tab API keys tab.

    stripe api keys

  3. Scroll down to the section "Restricted keys" and click on "+ Create restricted key".

    restricted key pricefy

  4. Name your key and set the following permissions for the following resources: Products = Read, Prices = Read, Checkout Sessions = Write.

    pricefy stripe permissions

  5. Save your key and copy it to use on Pricefy.

    pricefy key

How to Create a Pricing Table

With the groundwork laid in Stripe, it's time to bring your pricing table to life - to showcase comparable yearly and monthly prices to highlight the enticing annual savings, this section will guide you through the step-by-step process of creating a pricing table that captivates your audience and drives conversions:"

  1. Create an account on Pricefy.me

  2. Open “Pricing tables” tab on the left and click on “New Pricing Table”.

    pricefy pricing table

  3. Past your Stripe Key and click “Connect Stripe”.

    Stripe Key Pricefy

  4. In the "Products" tab, you can add products, describe product features and billing period benefits, and set the default billing period.

    pricefy products

  5. In the "Content" tab, you can add your Pricing table title and description. 

    pricefy content

  6. In the “Design” section, you can adjust your pricing table to your website design and promo price plan. Here, you will be able to change background colors, fonts, button shape & color, etc. 

    pricefy design

  7. In the "Payment settings" tab, control the Stripe checkout process defining rules. 

    pricefy payment

  8. And the last step! Copy your pricing table embed code and add it to your site to enhance sales.

    Pricefy pricing table

Congratulations! You already have an incredible converting pricing table with Pricefy which will help you transform forever the conversion of your product.

Let’s get started. Time to earn more.

Let’s get started. Time to earn more.

Build with Stripe, customize with Pricefy.

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Build with Stripe, customize with Pricefy.

© 2024 Pricefy. All rights reserved

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Build with Stripe, customize with Pricefy.

© 2024 Pricefy. All rights reserved

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