A Guide to Create an Effective Pricing Table

Jan 3, 2024

Pricefy pricing table

Your pricing strategy is crucial when it comes to success in every business. A well-structured pricing table influences customer decisions and plays a vital role in maximizing revenue. In this guide, we'll explore different methods of creating a pricing table, from traditional HTML to the clever Pricefy pricing table tool which will save your valuable time and effort.

How to Create a Pricing Table with HTML 

When opting for HTML, the initial step is deciding on a CSS framework such as Bootstrap or Tailwind, depending on your existing website structure. However, merely establishing the HTML structure is only the beginning. Connecting the "Buy Now" buttons can be cumbersome, especially when using services like Stripe Payment Links. For a more efficient solution, explore the options provided below:

Here are some HTML Tutorials that you might find useful.

How to Create a Pricing Table with WordPress 

For WordPress users, plugins offer a user-friendly approach. After installation, use a drag-and-drop wizard to structure your pricing table. However, consider the potential challenge of modifying pricing easily, as updates may require adjustments to all payment links. Discover a simpler alternative towards the end of this article.

And here are some popular Wordpress plagins for pricing tables:

How to Create a Pricing Table with Webflow 

Webflow users have the option to clone existing templates available on the marketplace. While this provides a solid starting point, updating the template to align with your brand requires effort. Additionally, linking "Buy" buttons can be a complex task. Discover an alternative method for easier pricing adjustments in the subsequent section.

Save Time with Pricefy 

And now – Pricefy. With this simple tool, creating a convincing pricing table is no longer a time-consuming task. Let's see how Pricefy works:

  • Create Products in Stripe: Build your products and prices in Stripe – the backbone of your e-commerce operations. Then use your Stripe Secret Key to connect with Pricefy. Learn in this guide how to get it. Note that Pricefy won't have access to any sensitive information.

    pricefy key

  • Customize Pricing Table: Use Pricefy's intuitive interface to customize your pricing table. Tailor it to your brand and optimize for conversion.

    pricefy customization

  • Embed Pricefy on Your Page: Once your Pricefy pricing table is ready, just copy the embed and put it on your website. Yep, it's that simple!

    pricefy checkout

    As you can notice, while traditional methods like HTML and WordPress offer user-friendly approaches, they may require time and effort to make updates. Alternatively, tools like Pricefy offer a more efficient solution for creating customized and visually appealing pricing tables optimized for conversion. Let's create your high-converting pricing table right now!

Let’s get started. Time to earn more.

Let’s get started. Time to earn more.

Build with Stripe, customize with Pricefy.

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Build with Stripe, customize with Pricefy.

© 2024 Pricefy. All rights reserved

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Build with Stripe, customize with Pricefy.

© 2024 Pricefy. All rights reserved

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